JASC76 Executive Committee

Chair: Yuki Tanizaki jasc76.ytanizaki@gmail.com
Hi! My name is Yuki Tanizaki and I'm the American Executive Committee Chair for JASC 76. I will be leading the Social Entrepreneurship roundtable alongside my Japanese Executive Committee counterpart! I was born and raised in the U.S. but grew up in a Japanese household, which allowed me to experience both the American and Japanese cultures. I am a student at the University of California, Irvine majoring in Business Administration. In my free time, I like to dance, hang out with friends, go shopping, and make jewelry.

I'm looking forward to making JASC 76 a welcoming community that can inspire delegates and provide them with a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I hope that the participants can not only learn academically but also develop their professional and personal skills. My goal is to see the participants grow within themselves through the programming, discussion, and relationships that they'll experience to positively contribute to society in the future.

Vice Chair: Ka Yan Tam
Hello, my name is Ka Yan Tam (she/her). I grew up in Hong Kong and moved to the United States to pursue university studies when I was 18. I double major in Art/Design and East Asian Cultures and Languages but also have an interest in Digital Marketing and Food Business. In my free time, I like to scout for toast cafes and draw food illustrations. Currently, I am completing my junior year on exchange at Waseda University in Tokyo.

I applied for JASC75 because I felt that it would be an interesting yet challenging experience for me as someone that has never been interested in doing MUN conferences in high school. After spending a month in Japan with JASC75 delegates, it made me recognize the importance for communication, collaboration and making compromises. As I co-create JASC76 alongside the other AECs, we hope that you would also be able to seek new perspectives as you embark on your journey at JASC76.

William Sim-Oliver
Hi! My name is Will Sim-Oliver and I’m the treasurer for this year’s JASC 76. In addition to being the roundtable leader for Expression and Limitation, I will also be assisting the Environmental Economics and Energy Policy roundtable! I’m a sophomore at the University of Southern California majoring in pure mathematics and minoring in East Asian Languages and Cultures. Outside of school, I like to read classic literature and poetry, drink tea and coffee, and play the violin!

The Japan-America Student Conference is truly a special and unique experience—as one member of my roundtable in JASC 75 put it: “JASC is four years of college in a single month.” For me, the purpose of JASC is to “foster the human spirit through genuine expression and heart-to-heart connection.” It’s a place where you meet and enter into deep, meaningful discussion with talented and motivated people. Of course, JASC is specifically a rigorous, academic conference, but there’s more to JASC than just that. JASC is also the life outside official programming—it’s about challenging yourself and growing as a person in unexpected ways, spending time with your fellow delegates, and making memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. I hope that you’ll be able to join us on this transformative journey and share with us in making JASC 76, the 90th anniversary of this conference, one that honors its great legacy while also shaping those of the years to come.

Mana Sakamoto
Hi all! My name is Mana Sakamoto and I am in charge of the publicity and technology for JASC 76 as well as the Social Movements and Human Behaviors Roundtable. I am currently a sophomore at Wellesley College and planning to double major in cognitive science and studio arts. I was born and grew up in Tokyo, Japan and came to the US for college; through JASC75, I was able to engage in different topics from both US and Japanese perspectives and deepen and appreciate the differences. In my free time, I like to read books, draw on my ipad, go out for good food with my friends, and browse pinterest for inspiration!

Participating in JASC75 was both a meaningful and challenging experience for me - I was able to reflect on the past and present of the U.S.-Japan relationship, challenge my preexisting beliefs, and share my own ideas with my peers through different activities and discussions. I was also able to forge a strong and meaningful friendship with my fellow delegates by coming out of my comfort zone. While this conference is centered around academic discussions, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to meet people with different backgrounds and ideas. We are here to help you embark on your exciting journey at JASC76, and I hope it will be a unique and fulfilling (and hopefully life-changing) experience to you!

Jinglei Zhang
Hello, I'm Jinglei (Stella) Zhang, and I serve on the recruitment team for the American Executive Committee of the 76th JASC. I'm a senior pursuing majors in East Asian Studies and Economics. Beyond my academic commitments, I work as a Teaching Assistant for the Center for Prison Studies, where I help provide educational opportunities to local correctional centers. Additionally, I hold the role of event coordinator for my school's dance club. In my leisure time, you'll often find me enjoying music, playing musical instruments, and immersing myself in the world of Animal Crossing.

Participating in JASC75 has been a transformative journey for me. Through this experience, I've had the privilege of connecting with like-minded individuals from both the United States and Japan. It has enriched my understanding of not only Japanese society and culture but also the intricacies of meaningful interpersonal connections. JASC offers a fantastic platform for students to engage in thought-provoking discussions and attend inspiring events. It is an invaluable experience for anyone, and I extend a warm invitation for you to join us on this remarkable journey.

JASC Intern: Krislyn Massey
Krislyn Massey is the JASC – Advisor Intern for International Student Conferences (ISC). She was an American delegate in the 74th Japan-America Student Conference (JASC) and was then elected as the Recruitment Co-Chair for the 75th JASC from 2022-23. She worked with other 75th JASC Executive Committee members to organize the first in-person conference since the COVID-19 Pandemic with a theme of “Foundations: Laying the Groundwork for Bilateral Reflection and Reimagination.”

Krislyn Massey is currently pursuing a double B.A. in International Studies: National Security and Diplomacy along with Japanese at the University of North Texas. She has gained certification in Advanced Dispute Resolution and seeks her Global Studies certificate before she graduates in Spring 2024. After, she hopes to pursue a dual Masters degree at University of Tokyo or closer to home.

As the JASC – Advisor Intern, Krislyn is excited to encourage more people-to-people diplomacy and academic discourse while she continues supporting ISC and the 76th Japan-America Student Conference